Magical Places You Should See Once In Your Life

Great Ocean Road, Australia

One of the most spectacular coastal roads in the world, the Great Ocean Road in Australia, runs along the southwest coast of Victoria and stretches for about 200 km (125 miles).

Colca Valley, Peru

The Colca Canyon is located north of Arequipa in Peru. Besides taking dizzying hikes, you can get up really early in the morning and see the enormous condors of the canyon fly over you.

Azores, Portugal

The Azores are a paradise for nature lovers. This volcanic archipelago stretches for almost 600 km (373 miles).

Cathedrals Beach, Spain

The 'Praia As Catedrais' in Galicia is one of the most beautiful natural landscapes in northern Spain.

Bromo, Indonesia

The Bromo volcano on the island of Java in Indonesia is a must-see place to enjoy an adventure and exceptional scenery.

Halong Bay, Vietnam

Halong Bay in Vietnam is famous for its turquoise waters and its rock islands covered with tropical forests.

Atacama Desert, Chile

The Atacama Desert, the driest in the world, stretches for more than 1000 km (621 miles) from the Pacific coast, covering northern Chile to the border of Peru and Bolivia.

Wadi Rum, Jordan

Wadi Rum in the Jordanian desert was registered as a world heritage in 2011. The succession of canyons, cliffs, and caves offers a variety of totally unexpected landscapes.

Kanagawa, Japan

Japan offers surprising, man-made landscapes, such as this flower field located at Mount Fuji. It's a real living painting!

Fuji Motosuko, Japan

Fuji Shibazankura Matsuri is a flower festival located near Lake Motosu which surrounds Mount Fuji.

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