6 Mistakes to Avoid When You Turn 65 

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Not Understanding Medicare

Take the time to learn about Medicare's different parts and enrollment periods to avoid gaps in coverage.

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Delaying Medicare Enrollment

Enroll in Medicare during your initial enrollment period to avoid late enrollment penalties.

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Overlooking Medigap Plans

Consider Medigap plans to fill in the gaps in Medicare coverage.

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Ignoring Long-Term Care Planning

Plan for long-term care costs as Medicare may not cover them.

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Neglecting Retirement Savings

Continue saving for retirement to secure your financial future.

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Not Updating Estate Planning Documents

Keep your will and other documents up to date to reflect your current wishes.

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Underestimating Healthcare Expenses

 Plan for potential medical expenses not covered by Medicare or insurance.

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Disregarding a Healthy Lifestyle

Maintain a healthy lifestyle to improve your quality of life as you age.