Floral Pattern
Floral Pattern

12 Rarely Heard Facts About the Female Body

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Female Liver Metabolism

Women's livers metabolize alcohol differently than men, leading to higher blood alcohol levels even when consuming the same amount of alcohol.

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Ovarian Follicles

Female fetuses have all their ovarian follicles (potential eggs) already formed in their ovaries while still in their mother's womb. By the time a girl reaches puberty, she will have about 300,000 to 400,000 follicles, but only about 400 of them will mature into eggs throughout her reproductive life.

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Menstrual Cycle Variation

The length of a woman's menstrual cycle can vary from person to person and even within the same individual from month to month.

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Smaller Heart Size

On average, women have smaller hearts than men, although they beat at a faster rate.

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Menstrual Synchronization

While it was once thought that women living in close proximity would synchronize their menstrual cycles, studies have shown that this phenomenon is likely coincidental and not scientifically proven.

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More Sensitive to Smells

Women tend to have a better sense of smell than men, particularly during certain stages of their menstrual cycle.

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Body Fat Composition

Women generally have a higher percentage of body fat than men, which contributes to differences in overall body shape and distribution of fat.